So it's been a while longer than I expected to actually have something to say. Well, that's not necessarily true, the reality of it is that it's been longer than I expected..., and I would keep getting too wasted to post the things I meant to anytime I had something to say. Unfortunately I have sort of a catch 22 situation on my hands, I occasionally get drunk, then the fractured dam that is my mind is flooded with great ideas. Unfortunately when it is flooded to a certain extent it overflows causing me to totally ignore the very same reality I should be informing others on. It's a tough scenario. All I'm saying is, I've got to do a better job not for me, not for you but for jesus.
Speaking of Jesus... people are retarded. Yes, I know what you're thinking that's totally true if theyre religious but wait there's more. Okay so, everyone agrees that jesus (and no I will never capitalize that) is the son of god (that either) who is religious and all. Then why do so many people (read: idiots) 'praise jesus?' Why go to subordinate when you can go to the man (so to speak) .ie -god himself? And if subordinates are good enough then why not pray to the holy spirit. I have never seen anyone do this unless they were doing that stupid meaningless cross gesture. If the holy spirit did exist it'd be like the Luigi of the trinity anyhow, so I guess that's probably why. When people do that 'father, son, holy spirit' the holy spirit is totally last and lower; it's like god, jesus (also called the lord in baptist(and some other protestant) religions, ie. even more stupid than normal protestants) are shoulder height then the holy spirit is stomach level.
Speaking of things people stomachs, how about the 'blood of christ.' Which is alchohol - awesome. Think about how many options the Catholic church had to pick from for this, yet they picked alchohol, totally awesome. So if you think about it, alchoholics are really borderline divinity. Afterall, they're living a life just following the blood of christ - with divinity flowing through their veins.., what can be more holy than that? Unless the pope is an alchoholic - which would be ultimate and awesome; afterall alchohol is one of gods many creations - like Lygers and global warming.
I wanted to give a quick update on the mouse scenario as well, however it's late as hell and I kind of want to play Fifa 08 (the one that takes skill...unlike Fifa 09), so now that I'm feeling back in the groove of things, I'll just do that tomorrow or saturday. I have to get in the habit of just doing quick blog posts more frequently instead of trying to fit everything in one larger one.
PS. I think my basement might have more cans (ALL BEAST CANS - ok maybe 2-3 krapstone cans people forgot to throw out) total than my esteemed can collection. A fact I should probably be more ashamed of than proud - but of course I have no shame, care or sense of an actual reality...check.